Acide Gras N-9, Acide Gras Omega 9, Common Olive, Acide Gras Insaturé, Acide Gras Mono-Insaturé, virgin olive oil extra, Huile d’Assaisonnement, Huile d’Olive, Huile d’Olive Extra Vierge, Huile d’Olive Vierge, Feuille d’Olivier, Green Olive Manzanilla Olive Fruit, Jaitun Olea europaea, Olea folium, Olivae oleum, Olive Fruit, Olive Fruit Pulp, Olive Leaf, Olive Oil, Olive Pulp, Olives, Olivo, Monounsaturated Fatty Acid,
Olive are grow on Trees. To produce medicine, they use the fruit’s leaves, seeds, and oil, as well as water extracts of the fruit.
Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraine headaches are all prevented with olive oil. It also prevents heart attacks and strokes (cardiovascular disease).
Some people use olive oil to treat conditions like constipation, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes-related blood vessel issues, ear infections, arthritis, and gallbladder disease-related pain. Jaundice, gastritis, and meteorism are other conditions that are treated with olive oil (swelling of the abdomen due to gas).
Also, some people use olive oil as a “cleanser” or “purifier,” as well as to increase intestinal bacterial growth.
Olive oil is administered directly to the skin to treat ear wax and ringing in the ears (tinnitus),
Olive oil is used in manufacturing to create liniments, industrial plasters, soaps, and to prevent dental cement from setting too quickly.
A maximum of 1% free oleic acid is present in extra virgin olive oil, 2% is present in virgin olive oil, and 3.3% is present in regular olive oil.
Ozonated olive oil, which contains ozone, is recommended for anything from cancer to bacterial and fungal skin problems to bug bites and bee stings. Ozone can be used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to kill microorganisms on food, particularly meat and poultry.
Olive leaf is used to treat bacterial, viral, and other illnesses such as hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, swine flu, meningitis, encephalitis, herpes, shingles, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). In addition to these conditions, olive leaf is also used to treat pneumonia, chronic fatigue, TB, gonorrhea, fever, malaria, dengue, “blood poisoning” (bacterial infections in the bloodstream), severe diarrhea, infections of the teeth, ears, and urinary tract, as well as infections that develop after surgery. There are also uses for hay fever, diabetes, high blood pressure, bettering kidney and digestive function, and enhancing urine
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are treated with water extracts of olive fruit pulp.
How does it function?
Olive oil’s fatty acids appear to lower cholesterol and have anti-inflammatory properties. The use of olive oil and leaves may reduce blood pressure.
Constipation. Olive oil can help with constipation when taken orally.
Perhaps useful for breast cancer. Breast cancer risk appears to be decreased in people who eat more olive oil in their diet.
heart illness. Olive oil helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and other risk factors for heart disease and stroke by replacing saturated fats in the diet. Olive oil use appears to reduce the risk of having a first heart attack. According to some studies, compared to a low consumption of 7 grams or less of olive oil per day, a high dietary intake of olive oil (54 grams/day; around 4 tablespoons) can reduce the risk of a first heart attack by 82%. Add 1 liter of extra-virgin oil each week to intestinal cancer. According to research, persons who eat more olive oil in their diet are less likely to get colorectal cancer.
elevated cholesterol. Those with high cholesterol can lower their total cholesterol levels by substituting olive oil for saturated fat in their diet. Other dietary oils, such as sunflower and rapeseed (canola), might lower “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and an additional form of cholesterol called apolipoprotein B better than olive oil, according to some research.
elevated blood pressure. Over the course of six months, high blood pressure in those with the condition can be reduced by adding a lot of extra virgin olive oil to the diet and continuing with the standard therapies.
There is not enough data to rate the effectiveness of…
Itchy, rosy skin (eczema). According to preliminary studies, eczema appears to improve when a mixture of honey, beeswax, and olive oil is used in addition to conventional treatment.
Diabetes. On a Mediterranean-style diet, olive oil may minimize the risk of “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis) in people with diabetes when compared to polyunsaturated oils like sunflower oil. Nonetheless, more study is required.
migraine pain. Olive oil appears to lessen the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches when taken daily for two months. Nonetheless, more study is required.
Osteoarthritis. Using a freeze-dried water extract of olive fruit reduces pain and improves mobility in osteoarthritis patients, according to an emerging study.
Breast cancer
Icky jock (Tinea cruris). According to preliminary studies, jock itch can be effectively treated by rubbing a mixture of honey, beeswax, and olive oil onto the skin.
a cutaneous yeast infection (Tinea versicolor). According to preliminary study, treating a yeast infection on the skin with a mixture of honey, beeswax, and olive oil is successful.
When used properly topically or when taken orally, olive oil is LIKELY SAFE. It is safe to consume 14% of your daily caloric intake as olive oil. This amounts to around two tablespoons (28 grams) every day. Extra-virgin olive oil up to 1 liter per week has been used safely as a component of a Mediterranean diet for up to 5.8 years.
Olive oil is easily tolerated when given orally. Delayed allergic reactions and contact dermatitis have been documented after skin
Although olive leaf and fruit pulp have not yet been linked in clinical research with major side effects, there is not enough trustworthy information available concerning their safety.
30 mL of olive oil for constipation.
Extra-virgin olive oil in the diet, 30–40 grams per day, for high blood pressure. High blood pressure has also been treated with 400 mg of olive leaf extract administered four times per day.
For high cholesterol, consume 2 tablespoons or 23 grammes of olive oil daily, which provides 17.5 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids in place of saturated fats.
It has been recommended to consume 54 grams (or roughly 4 tablespoons) each day to avoid heart disease and heart attacks. Up to 1 liter of extra-virgin olive oil per week has also been used as part of the Mediterranean diet.